Aye li'l boy, mind you knock down all me things from that shelf. And don't cut you eye on me. Is who li'l boy that. Shorty? Got to be he son yes. The little long snout runt rude like sin. Yes Teacher, what you buying today. The macaroni is twenty-two a box. No, the curly ones is thirty-five. Alright Ounces, I go see you later. Yes Teach, is new peanut butter. It only look so because the label get scratch-up while we transporting it. You going take one? No? Casareep? Yes, this is the real thing. No, Teach. This ain't no burn sugar. This casareep come straight from the Pamaroon. I sure 'bout that Mam. You want two bottles? How you mean is how much pepperpot you could make one time. I know some people does make now and keep it for four, six months 'till Christmas come. Doris, take out for two macaroni and a casareep.
Fluffy! Any packet rice today? Chowmein, cubes, cheese, Cerex? Buy something from me nuh lady. Let she carry she fat self. Is straight to the Chiney man shop she gone and buy. She and she three fat piglets them could go and poison they self down there. I ain't go starve.
Wha' happen Sweetness, you looking nice this afternoon. What you buying today. How you mean you ain't want what I got. You can't know until you get it. What happen, you can't even stop and see first? You is a Russian or what. Wha' is all the hurry for? She gone. She must be Flash Gordon.
Oh-oh! Look who coming; Ali Baba she self. Yes, what you want. No, I ain't short with you. I just ask you what you want. Look lady, don't make no noise in front here. I running a decent establishment here. Don't cuss and carry-on here. All I ask you is what you want. Lady I ain't call you no thief. Doris, you hear me say anything 'bout thief? But look at me crosses. Suit yourself. If you ain't buying you ain't buying. Yes, go 'long you' way. I ain't holding you back. Eh-eh! I just ask the woman what she want and the woman want eat out me head for that. Next thing you know she stop here and when she move off half me sardine them missing. Is that's why they call she Ali Baba. She and them forty thieves she get for children can wipe out a department store. Couple years back is every afternoon she used to be there by them Chinese people restaurant buying twenty-five cent 'swamp-and-damp' and ten cents 'leave-overs.' Swamp-and-damp? That is the leave-over gravy and they does take bread and mop it up.
Wait, you is not the little girl that pass here and give me a fleet of rudeness just now? Now you come right back here with you shopping list. What you want now. I can't look at no list now. I ain't have on me glasses. Doris, see what this li'l girl want.